Callback-less Asynchrony: ES6, Generators, and the next wave of JavaScript development

Nicholas Young There is hope for those struggling with the "pyramid of doom." If you've been searching for solutions to deeply nested or highly complex code, then you'll want to learn about the new wave of innovation that's currently sweeping our community ES6 (or ECMAScript 6, as it's officially dubbed) brings a growing list of technologies and techniques to the forefront, and simplifies tasks that have often been difficult due to JavaScript's asynchronous nature. In this talk, we'll explore how you can develop with modern tools while still delivering the consistent experience that your company requires. Generators, Promises, Symbols — and all of the alterations to a once simple language — can be daunting to learn. But together, we'll make it a breeze. Prepare to kiss those callbacks goodbye, and learn to write code that's easier to read, and faster to execute.
Length: 26:49
Views 3038 Likes: 31
Recorded on 2015-11-14 at Nodevember
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