Building Scalable Web Applications Using Microservices Architecture and NodeJS inside AWS Lambda

Building Scalable Web Applications Using Microservices Architecture and NodeJS inside AWS Lambda - Eugene Istrati, Mitoc Group Inc Scalable applications are by nature resource intensive, expensive to build and difficult to manage. What if we can change this perception and help developers design full-stack applications that are low cost and low maintenance? This session describes the underlying architecture behind, the microservices marketplace built by Mitoc Group using AngularJS, NodeJS and powered by abstracted services like AWS Lambda, Amazon CloudFront, Amazon DynamoDB, and so on. Eugene Istrati, Technology Partner at Mitoc Group, will dive deep into their approach to microservices architecture using serverless environments from AWS and demonstrate how anyone can use serverless computing to achieve high scalability, high availability, and high performance without huge efforts or expensive resources allocation.
Length: 20:31
Views 2563 Likes: 19
Recorded on 2016-11-29 at Node Interactive
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