Microservices - You need to be this tall to use microservices

There is a short article from Martin Fowler about how tall you need to be to use MicroServices. Making those kinds of statements are important, since we see a lot of MicroService envy in the industry where people fail miserably because they wanted to adapt early while not fully understanding the prerequisites for MicroService architectures. While I totally agree with his points, I must call them incomplete. MicroServices aren't just a technology decision. In my opinion it is first of all a cultural decision. Developers' minds get blown if they need to think in terms of tiny single-purpose applications as part of a bigger complete system which is in constant movement and micromanagement isn't doing good here. The talk aims to introduce some key drivers for a good culture that fits the MicroService architecture as well as the technology decisions that have been made at takeaway.com to be ready to go from monolith to MicroServices. Will I mention Conway's Law? Sure I will!
Length: 01:13:38
Views 36 Likes: 0
Recorded on 2016-05-03 at Microservices Dublin (Meeting)
Look for other videos at Microservices Dublin (Meeting).
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