The emperor's new programming language

When the people heard that the emperor had commissioned the creation of a new programming language, they were filled with joy. For they all knew it would be the most wondrous programming language ever, and the news all over the country was of the fineness of its class hierarchy and the astounding power of its reflective features. Pretty soon everyone had heard from a neighbour of the awesome practicality of the new language's type system, or of the refreshing cleanliness of its newly-designed syntax, and all eagerly awaited Christmas when they would finally be able to reap the benefit of all this effort. But hark! Here comes a little boy who knows no better than to criticise the emperor and his courtiers! He says he's looked at the language himself, and that it's a bug-ridden pile of clashing features built without a coherent design and without the benefit of the lessons most people learned from the old language. What hubris the boy shows; he needs to learn to respect what he is told by his elders. You wouldn't want to listen to him now, would you?
Length: 22:58
Views 235 Likes: 2
Recorded on 2015-12-12 at London Perl Workshop
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