The adventures of Gery and BB-8 with Cylon.js

BB-8 by Sphero is a bluetooth enabled droid based on the character from the new Star Wars movie. BB-8 can be controlled from an app on your phone via bluetooth, however using cylon.js you can take full control of your droid. I would like to show you how easy it is to turn your droid into the coolest droid in the galaxy.

Speaker Bio:

I am a software developer based in Johannesburg and working at BBD. I have worked in the software development field for over five years on various projects involving .NET, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS and more recently MeteorJS. Front end development has always been what I enjoyed doing most and I have recently become involved in UX and design as well. My interest in robotics increased recently when I started spending my weekends hacking my Star Wars droid.

Length: 21:00
Views 45 Likes: 0
Recorded on 2016-07-16 at JavaScript in South Africa
Look for other videos at JavaScript in South Africa.
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