Almost every application needs data to function - and if you don't know how to be nice to your data, then things will start to go wrong. This talk aims to convince JavaScript developers that they do need to care about statistics, and then talk about how to do so. We look at some theory and lots of case studies and real-world advice to deal with a range of scenarios. The talk aims to touch on the entire data life cycle: We'll dive into data modelling and how the shape and size of your data affects your architecture, and how to build these architectures using JavaScript. Once the data is in the front-end, we'll touch on the wide range of libraries that allows your code to react based on the data, and the wrappers on top that aid visualisation and readability.
Length: 33:14
Views 128 Likes: 0
Recorded on 2016-04-15 at JSConf Uruguay
Look for other videos at JSConf Uruguay.
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