Shopify in Multiple Datacenters

How do you take the biggest commerce platform in the world, with hundreds of thousands of shops and make it run out of multiple locations? We'll go through how Shopify went from one datacenter, to a passive disaster recovery site all the way to to running shops out of multiple datacenters concurrently. The talk will cover how we move shops between data centers and perform failovers with the click of a button. We'll share the patterns that are widely useful, such as using load balancers to sort requests around the world to the right data centers. About Simon: When Simon's not researching walruses or playing chaos monkey for the company's infrastructure, he's hard at work taming the wildlife of production, protecting Shopify from flash sales, scale, misbehaving resources and itself. Other than that, as a new resident of Canada, fulfilling his obligation to call everyone out when they think they've experienced "cold weather" Talk given at Full Stack Fest 2016 (
Length: 33:06
Views 1226 Likes: 5
Recorded on 2016-09-05 at Fullstack Fest
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