See the data flowing through your app

What if instead of building your own mental model of how data flows through your application, you could actually see the data flowing in real-time? In this talk we will explore functional and reactive streams as a building block in JavaScript applications, with tools like RxJS, Cycle.js, xstream, which enable DevTools from the future. About the speaker: User interface developer and designer, with extensive knowledge in reactive programming. Obsessed with the future - wants to make it become reality today. Software deals with complex control flow mechanisms like callbacks, promises, events, and streams. Chosen solution has a deep impact on your code. Things can be simplified to a single abstraction since the underlying problem to all of this is the same, with CSP and the concept of channels. About the speaker: Vincenzo Chianese is an Italian software developer currently working for He puts bugs in the code, making sure that his coworkers have always something to fix. Talk given at Full Stack Fest 2016 (
Length: 33:38
Views 4620 Likes: 129
Recorded on 2016-09-05 at Fullstack Fest
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