How to build a website that will (eventually) work on Mars?

At not so distant future human race will be able to make a colony on Mars, and we'll need a stable communication between the planets. Interplanetary internet works differently (ie. 3.5 to 22 mins delay between planets), so what from today's technologies can we use to build an interplanetary web app? About the speaker: Slobodan Stojanović is (mostly) JavaScript and node.js programmer from Belgrade, Serbia. For the past 5 years, he works as a CTO of Montreal based software development agency Cloud Horizon. Co-organizer of JS Belgrade meetups and workshops. He is passionate about offline web, chat bots , and JavaScript and node.js in general. Talk given at Full Stack Fest 2016 (
Length: 32:02
Views 342 Likes: 4
Recorded on 2016-09-05 at Fullstack Fest
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