Full Stack Fest 2015: Orders of Magnitude, by Davy Stevenson

A talk from Full Stack Fest 2015 (http://fullstackfest.com/) Up until the 17th century, the world was mostly limited to what we could see with the naked eye. Our understanding of things much smaller and much larger than us was limited. In the past 400 years our worldview has increased enormously, which has led to the advent of technology, space exploration, computers and the internet. However, our brains are ill equipped to handle dealing with numbers at these scales, and attempt to trick us at every turn. Software engineers deal with computers every day, and thus we are subject to both incredibly tiny and massively large numbers all the time. Learn about how your brain is fooling you when you are dealing with issues of latency, scalability, and algorithm optimization, so that you can become a better programmer. http://fullstackfest.com/agenda/orders-of-magnitude Recorded & produced by El Cocu (http://elcocu.com)
Length: 24:56
Views 474 Likes: 5
Recorded on 2015-09-01 at Fullstack Fest
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