Georg Greve: Kolab

Kolab Free Software Collaboration The Kolab Groupware Solution has initially been developed for the needs of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). Over a decade and many, many person years of development later Kolab has been released in version 3.0 and version 3.1 is just around the corner. It's the world's most radically Open Standards and Free Software Groupware stack with both client and server, and scalable from a Raspberry Pi to a multi-datacenter setup involving hundreds of servers for millions of users. One of the main drivers of crucial technologies such as GnuPG or Roundcube, Kolab has contributed to Free Software in a variety of ways - and now does so also through its secure hosted offering that is has gained noriety as the sanctuary for Pamela Jones of Groklaw. The talk will provide an introduction to Kolab, its capabilities, architecture and essential components for anyone who would like to know how Kolab can help them communicate and work together. Download video:
Length: 59:41
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Recorded on 2013-11-08 at FSCONS
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