Command Line Magic For Designers: An Intro To Front End Tooling

As Flurin & Adrian Egger will certainly point out in their talk, designing for the web means being able to deliver more than just a PSD. Clients will expect to see what their site will look like on a variety of devices. And we designers can often save lots of time iterating on designs when that means simply changing some markup and CSS. When designing a website, it’s important to be able to click things as early as possible—and then iterate on that. Thankfully there are a slew of fantastic open-source tools which can help us get up and running. With Assemble and Yeoman, for example, it’s possible to scaffold a multi-page website in minutes. It’s a great solution for projects ranging from prototyping a large CMS-based website to building a simple online styleguide. If you’re a designer and you’ve been wanting to get comfortable with the command line, there’s never been a better excuse to start.
Length: 46:37
Views 349 Likes: 6
Recorded on 2015-08-27 at Front End Conference Zurich
Look for other videos at Front End Conference Zurich.
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