Live-Coding Mathematics Your First Clojure Proof

Have you heard about the lambda-calculus, dependent types, intuitionistic v.s. classical logic, or the Curry-Howard correspondence? During this talk you will learn much about these, but not presented in the usual academic way... No! Clojure and Emacs/Cider will serve as learning vehicles, throughout a gently-paced live-coding Mathematics session ! For this we will use LaTTe, an open source proof assistant library for Clojure, probably one of the most addictive single-player puzzle game ever! NB: no greek letters were harmed during the preparation of this talk.
Length: 41:55
Views 1128 Likes: 18
Recorded on 2016-10-25 at Euro Clojure
Look for other videos at Euro Clojure.
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