Drupal 8 and the Panels Ecosystem

Panels is one of the most heavily used contrib modules on real world Drupal site. Developers and site builders alike use it to customize the display of pages on their site with custom layouts and block placement/configuration tools. In addition to this a host of other modules which leverage Panels in order to customize the output of nodes and blocks exist. Come see the current state of Panels and it's budding ecosystem of modules and integrations in Drupal 8 (Specifically In Place Editor, Panelizer and Page Manager). Things we'll cover: General Demo of the modules working in Drupal 8 Custom Pages via Page Manager Panelizing view modes of Entity Bundles Multiple panelized defaults for a view mode Allowing content creators and editors to select a panelized default Customizing a specific entity's output via Panelizer Revision handing and customization reverting Render caching Current feature parity as compared to Drupal 7 Where are we What's the benefit/drawback as compared with D7 Missing features Future development Low hanging fruit UI Improvement plans Even if you know nothing about Panels at all, this session will give you a view of what is currently possible in Drupal 8 and put some solid new tools in your toolbox for your next Drupal 8 build.
Length: 01:02:25
Views 1349 Likes: 20
Recorded on 2016-09-26 at DrupalCon Dublin
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