Devoxx Poland 2016 - Vaughn Vernon - oDDs & enDs

(The title is a play on words, pronounced "Odds and Ends" but with the DDD letters emphasized. The summary of the presentation follows...) The software development industry faces peril as entire teams are assigned to patch systems on a daily basis to keep them operational. Forget about DDD for a moment. What are some of the most insidious problems with software development today? Why do the same problems continue to happen across a vast array of corporate and software development cultures? After identifying the problems, how can DDD help teams overcome them? And, using DDD, what is a powerful approach to modeling your core domain while applying microservices? The current state of the industry incites a lot of questions, and you really should care about the answers.
Length: 47:17
Views 647 Likes: 3
Recorded on 2016-06-22 at Devoxx Poland
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