New Data Science: Functional, Distributed, JVM... and Agile (French)

Data Science, a buzz word we've seen popping everywhere in 2015 Why? It turns out engineers explored the Big Data's value and the way to deal it, that is, digging the gold, Data Science, covering mathematics, statistics, machine learning, data preparation, software development and more Data science came to the front because data is accumulating and exploiting the value is a key to competitivity. Data Science and Machine Learning in particular had traditionally been the smart and helpful tool mostly designed and developed in academia, the enterprise could only grasp at high premium Now the game is changing drastically, methods have matured, libraries are available and more data scientists are entering the market Still, there are many friction points in the development process of services exploiting data. It's true that Data Scientists are developers, but usually they are not software developers and even less devops which leads to a disrupted organization and a lack of efficiency We present here some solutions providing a unifying environment, helping different people with different tasks and background to develop a data service pipeline with minimal friction and maximal agility
Length: 46:07
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Recorded on 2016-04-20 at Devoxx France
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