Du 100% pur Guice !

C'est en travaillant sur un backend restful que j'ai découvert Guice. C'est un framwork leger d'injection de dépendances, distribué par google. Au cour de ce quickie je partagerai mon experience sur ce framework, nous verrons comment grace à l'injection nous allons nous débarrasser des "new" et des factory et rendre le code plus rapide à développer et facile à tester. Author: Pauline Iogna Pauline is a passionate developer and a Duchess France member. After a Master, she starts working as software engineer in a startup in Paris. She is also a teacher at the university, so she can combine both advantages of looking for new challenges as an engineer and sharing her passion with students as a teacher. Interested in the java language, unit tests and mongodb, she likes working on backend projects. Blog: https://plus.google.com/102551742801685873626
Length: 15:04
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Recorded on 2015-04-09 at Devoxx France
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