AcCeSSibility at CSS Dev Conf

Recently, several companies have launched amazing new sites that feature improvements in performance, responsiveness and the hotness of HTML5 and CSS3. These are great accomplishments; however what many forget to improve is the accessibility of the site. In this session, learn: Accessibily means a digital world for everyone regardless of where, when, why, and how you consume the content that is being communicated. It's communication that's non-disciminatory in every way. from Simply Accesible Accessibility means a digital world for everyone.

Disability classifications





AWD - Accessible Web Design or Accessibility First

Inclusive or Universal Design

ARIA = Access Rich Internet Applications

Is a set of attributes that you can add to HTML elements First rule of ARIA: Don't use ARIA. That is, better to use Semantic HTML elements and attributes instead of ARIA marks. W3C Validator

Site Audit for Keyboard Accessibility

Just use the keyboard (no mouse) to navigate the site and see how it works.

Site Audit for contrast and color

Have meaningfull content without colors. (e.g. use words like ERROR)

Site Audit for Transcription and Closed Caption

Site Audit for meaningful Alternative Text

Decorative images should have alt tags but they need to be empty. Useful images should have meaningful short alternative text.

Off Screen Text for Icons Accessible SVGs - inline them and provide a tile. Accessible Canvas

Site Audit for Easy to Read and Understand Content

Site Audit for Automation

Site Audit for Functional and Logical Forms

Site Audit using Screen Reader

Test with real users

Record/Document Audits

Provide Code Samples

Add Testing to build process



A11y Resources
Length: 47:52
Recorded on 2015-10-26 at CSS Dev Conf
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