Interactive Clojure code snippets in any web page with KLIPSE

A long time ago, all the developers had a common dream. The dream was about interactivity, liveness, evaluation... But we put this dream aside - because the browser understands only javascript. And after a while, we even forgot that we ever had this dream. KLIPSE is a step toward achieving this dream KLIPSE provides a simple way for developers to share their code interactively i.e. the shared code is editable and runnable. In this talk, we are going to demonstrate a range of applications of KLIPSE. The talk will entirely be made of live demos (no powerpoint at all!): 1. how to leverage the klipse app 2. how share a gist with klipse 3. how to write a blog post with interactive code snippets 4. interactive documentation of your clojure[script] library Slides:
Length: 23:42
Views 749 Likes: 7
Recorded on 2016-09-16 at ClojuTRE
Look for other videos at ClojuTRE.
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