Let Us Now Praise Ordinary People

Everywhere you turn, companies are promising to change the world. But when the people already on top promise to change the world, you have to wonder how and for whom. The how isn't usually in your benefit, and the for whom isn't usually for you. The world is working exactly as they've designed it to work. So if we really want to change it, we need to change not just how we design it, but who is designing it. --------------- Talk & speaker bio: https://beyondtellerrand.com/events/berlin-2016/speakers/mike-monteiro MORE INFORMATION Watch this little recap video to get an impression how beyond tellerrand events look like: http://vimeo.com/69823900 Information about beyond tellerrand: http://beyondtellerrand.com/ http://twitter.com/btconf
Length: 46:16
Views 103 Likes: 3
Recorded on 2016-05-09 at Beyond Tellerrand
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