BeeScala 2016: Jan Macháček - Production microservices patterns

This talk was recorded at BeeScala 2016 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Follow along on Twitter @BeeScalaConf and on the website for more information Abstract: Jan will talk about microservice messaging patterns applied, with an example in Scala, Kafka, Cassandra and Deelpearning4j. We will build a system that turns tweeted images into stories, using CNNs and RNNs. We will have a distributed domain in Akka / Scala with storage in Apache Cassandra, computer vision components in Deeplearning4j; all connected with Kafka. The talk will show the architectural and code smells that were the result of half-harted reactive implementation and the way to address them. NOTE: This session was recorded via Skype due to Lufthansa strike which prevented Jan to attend the conference in person. Thank you for your effort.
Length: 48:33
Views 84 Likes: 1
Recorded on 2016-11-25 at Bee Scala
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