BeeScala 2016: Aleksandar Prokopec - Bridging the gap towards high-level distributed computing

This talk was recorded at BeeScala 2016 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Follow along on Twitter @BeeScalaConf and on the website for more information Abstract: Today, there exists a gap between high-level distributed computing frameworks and low-level distributed programming models. On one side of the spectrum, we have high-level frameworks such as Map-Reduce, Spark, distributed file-systems and databases, and peer-to-peer networks. On the other side, we have low-level distributed programming models, such as remote procedure calls (RPCs), and actors, which are the basis for building distributed systems. There does not seem to be a strong middle ground — a set of reusable intermediate components is missing. High-level frameworks are complex systems, built from low-level primitives during countless engineer hours, whose efforts are repeated every time a new distributed system is created. Since the appearance of the actor model some 30 years ago, this gap between the high-level and the low-level distributed computing did not significantly decrease. While sequential programmers today build their programs from iterators, monads, zippers, generic collection frameworks, parser combinators, I/O libraries, and UI toolkits, distributed systems engineers still think in terms of low-level RPCs and message passing. While sequential programming paradigms realized the importance of structured programming and high-level abstractions long ago, distributed computing has still not moved far from message passing — its own assembly. This underlying cause for this situation is the following: existing low-level distributed programming models expose primitives that do not compose well. In this talk, I present the recently proposed reactor programming model. I will focus on its main strengths — modularity and composability, and show how to build reusable message protocols and the distributed computing stack from a handful of simple, but powerful programming primitives. I will demonstrate that these primitives serve as powerful foundation for the next generation of distributed computing.
Length: 01:08:56
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Recorded on 2016-11-25 at Bee Scala
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