Continuous Delivery Anti Patterns

It wasn't long ago that everybody thought "Continuous Deliver" was only for tech companies. It is amazing how much things have changed over the past two years. More and more enterprises are exploring what it will take to achieve Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment for their core customer facing applications. The challenge for these companies is that many of the practices and processes they have put in place over the years stand in the way of achieving this goal. From rigorous engineering practices, to a very different view on product ownership, to organizational restructuring, to streamline the software development pipeline, Continuous Delivery .i.e. the ability to reliably release software at any time requires a significant shift in the mindset.

Join Cheezy as points out several Continuous Deliver anti-patterns and how to avoid or eliminate these patterns within your organization in order to align your development value stream, operations, release management, and product owners. If you want to know what it takes to achieve Continuous Deliver then this is one talk that you will not want to miss.




Organization Structure

Length: 45:42
Views 49 Likes: 0
Recorded on 2016-03-14 at Agile India
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